Join the MAS and Receive
A years subscription to the Society’s “Minature Arms
Journal”, published three times a year.
• Free ads in the Shop-r-Swap section of the newsletter for
buying, selling or trading.
• Access to a library of plans for making miniature arms.
• A network of like-minded people who share a common interest.
• A group of experts who can answer your questions in their
• A directory of the Society membership.
• The chance to participate in the Society’s exhibit at the NRA
National Convention.
New memberships dues
- for the first year are as follows:
United States $45.00
Canada & Mexico $50.00
All other international $65.00.
Renewal dues are:
United States $35.00/year
Canada & Mexico $40.00/year
All other international $55.00/year
New members will
receive all available back issues in the current volume. Dues
(checks made out to the Miniature Arms Society) and correspondence
concerning membership should be sent to
Dues can be paid via PayPal by making payment to
Or you can mail a check to the MAS Treasurer.
Alice McGinnis
2109 Spring Street
Cross Plains, WI 53528